Tuesday, March 15, 2005

Rain & Death

Four days of continuous rain caused floods in many parts of Baghdad. It revealed a lot about the public services & the infrastructure, and how much rehabilitation they need. Sewerage system needs lot of maintenance since it did not work properly to drain water which created small lakes. Water break into houses & many families had to leave theirs. Electricity was cut off & people, whose houses were filled with water, could not pump water out since there is no electricity. Power had been cut for many days, so one can imagine what kind of mess people had been living in. Telephone service is out of order in most of the city districts; mine is one of them. So I have to come to this cyber café to write this post.

I admire all my blog visitors' comments. On my post (Kill, No One Punished), one of the comments drew my attention. It was Stefania's, so I sent her an email which she replied to. I'm grateful for the reply & I understand her attitude.

Now, I find my email to Stefania is worthy to be posted, since it shows my point of view about very dangerous circumstances which ordinary Iraqi people have to face. I'll try to notify her about this post so she might comment on it.

"Hi Stefania
First, thanks for visiting my blog & commenting. Second, I made a post leading to the "Regime change in Syria" petition, which I expect you don't mind. I signed the petition.

Now, I hope that you won't mind explaining your attitude toward Segrina. I could not perceive the last line of your comment. Is it easy to wish others death? I'm not on her side, since I don't know whom she represents exactly. I wanted to draw attention to one of the daily hostilities the Iraqis face. Your comment says:

"Sgrena was a friend of the Terrorists, That means a friend of those who kill innocent iraqis everyday.Too bad that she is still alive"

Another comment you made says:

"Ibn, would you be happy if we let you in the hands
of Zarqawi?..."

Well, it is not a matter of comparing bad to worse. Criticizing a bad way of conduct dose not mean that the worse is the solution.

People who claim being tolerant & wise should accept criticism to
move to better positions. I think that I'm addressing such people. On the other hand I am not addressing Zarqawi & people of hatred, since they do not respect human lives.

You also say:

"I think you are committing a big mistake comparing the Americans to the head-choppers a la Zarqawi."

For the simple Iraqi person it is death no matter who kills him/her. I am not against the the Americans & I recognize any American withdrawal from Iraq as a disaster.

Thanks again, with high respects.


Many journalists wrote about the same matter. I read some Arabic articles referring to some of them. One is written by Ania Sizadlo (sorry for the misspelling, the name mainly in Arabic) in the Christian Science Monitor about her experience with the American checkpoints in Iraq. Another says that it took an American soldier more than 48 hours & more than 30 Iraqi casualties to understand that his sign for the Iraqi car drivers to stop means a salutation according to the Iraqi tradition.


Blogger Annie said...

It is so sad the hand signals got confused, but I see how easily these terrifying results can happen! I get confused when policemen are directing traffic here when they don't all use the same hand signals.

I will write letters to the military (that I know to write to) and ask some questions and bring this to their attention. Maybe others can as well, so this won't happen anymore to Iraqis.

The woman reporter was caught in so many lies that now I don't know what to believe about her. My heart goes out to her guard who gave his life.
I do wish they would quit paying the ransom money to the terrorists though, it just makes it harder for everyone! Now Italian journalists will for sure be targets of kidnapping, because they are worth lots of money!

I hope a day will come soon when you can write of peace and happiness (in your garden with a cup of tea!)

10:01 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I assure you that even in the US, we sometimes get sewers backing up... and floods, and people having to leave their houses (and coming back later to much damage). Better infrastructure helps make it happen less but it will not make it never happen.

I'll also (like jedati) write some letters about the signals. What we really need is more Iraqis and less Americans on the checkpoints (or at least a few Iraqis at each checkpoint) so such mistakes won't be made.

3:43 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I also share jedati's wish for you (and all Iraqi bloggers).

3:44 AM  

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